Miller Chiropractic practices a form of health care that focuses on the relationships within the body’s structure, with a focus on the spine.
Part of chiropractic philosophy involves a belief that issues within the body’s natural structure can cause problems with the functions in other areas of your body, notably the nervous system. The spinal cord serves as the main structure of your nervous system by communicating information from the brain to the rest of the body.
We believe in treating each patient with a comprehensive strategy involving physical adjustments, education, nutritional support, and wellness planning. Our balance of holistic treatment and sound medical knowledge ensure that you are in good hands.
We are proud to offer the following services:
- Massage Therapy
- Physical Therapy / Ultrasound and Cold Laser / Cybex
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- GyroStim
- X-ray Examination
- Nutritional Counseling
- Wellness Planning including rehabilitative exercises
We specialize in treating:
- Balance Disorders / Vertigo
- Functional Neurological Imbalances
- Back Pain
- Disc Alignment
- Joint Pain
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Spinal Degeneration
- Sciatica
- Headaches / Migraines
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Whiplash
- Sports Injuries
- Neck Pain
- Stiff Neck
- Car Accident Injuries
- Arthritis
- Frozen shoulder
- Hip pain
- Pulled hamstrings
- Radiating Arm and Leg Pain
- Sprained Ankles
- Rotator Cuff Tendonitis and Tears
- Tennis Elbow
For Appointments:
Give us a call at:
(805) 934-5703
Contact Details
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
8:00 am - 6:00 pm Chiropractic Care
11:00 am - 2:00 pm Chiropractic Care
9:00 am - noon VNG and Posturagraphy Exams
7:00 am - 2:00 pm Chiropractic Care
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Examination for GyroStim